CV van de oprichter


Curriculum Vitae drs. ing. E.J.D. Uittenbroek (1970) EN

E.J.D. Uittenbroek (Edward) Born 25 september 1970, Reeuwijk, Zuid Holland

Current position

Founder/director of Coating Kennis Transfer (may 2001), founder of Ponic Power Plant (april 2017), vice chairman of Europäische Gesellschaft für Lackiertechnik. Vice chairman of National Association of Corrosion Engineers NACE Benelux, president of Gouda Noord zoals het Hoort (the local residents organisation of the district of Gouda North).

Primary occupation is laying the foundation of a local-circular indoor aquaponic centre which will provide research results in the field of fishwater-manured high protein vegetables, powered by sunlight and gravity. The two companies CKT and PPP have a crossroads at the subject of producing mushroom-stones protected by a bio based coating.

Recent experience with major multinational companies/institutions

ECN Petten/Eindhoven, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (2016-2017), CWS Powder Coatings (2015-2016).


A coating technician with a wide overview over the surface techniques’ landscape, an active networker, both a technologist and a common-speech writer, combining practical work experience in the powder coating industry (chemical pretreatment/blasting and SHE-management) with theoretical insights derived from the coating engineer education (Saxion Hogeschool Enschede) and over 300 congresses and courses that were attended for trade magazine Oppervlaktetechnieken (Surface Techniques) and work at the university of applied science (Hogeschool) Utrecht. Open minded towards new knowledge exchange possibilities in the digital age, constantly keeping in touch with company directors and Association boardmembers. In 2006-2007, much effort has been invested in gaining insight in educational methods, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of knowledge transfer.


The powder coating industry has been a focal point all the way: having worked at a powder coating company (chemical and mechanical pretreatment, SHE-management), graduated on the subject  Powdercoating on MDF (wood fiberboard) at the Saxion Hogeschool Enschede, Coating Technology in 2005, and visiting the top notch powder coating conferences JOT Pulvertagung München and Pulversymposium Dresden and the congress about Powder Coating of MDF (Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden), the VISEM Technodag on powdercoating, over thirty in total. Uittenbroek also gives lectures (so far three times in the german language for “hochkaratikes Publikum” -top professionals) and was conference chair on various occations.

Uittenbroek has a ph. d. degree (doctorandus) in Environmental Science, graduation subject (1998) was the covenant between the dutch government and the Surface Technique industry concerning energy preservation, especially in powder coating, liquid coating, anodising, galvanising and plating. A third edition of this covenant is currently effective.In september 2005 Uittenbroek graduated for the part-time study Coating Technology at the Saxion Hogeschool Enschede, on the subject Powder Coating of MDF. This was a partnership of the Saxion Hogescholen and the European Centre for Coatings and Surface Technology ECCS (Enschede / Krefeld / Osnabrück / Steinfeld). Over 200 engineers had graduated when it closed its doors in september 2005.

In 2007, a follow up was planned to be launched in Utrecht, a project in which Uittenbroek has been involved, taking care of the surface technology content. In 2007-2008 Uittenbroek was involved in founding this new graduation in Surface Technology, as author of all five specialisation courses in digital form, ranging from surface engineering to co-makership and operating a coating shop.

Since 2007, Uittenbroek gives lectures at the Hogeschool Utrecht about surface technology related topics, building on the experience of technical courses for powder coating companies at a team leader level. He developed an in-company optimisation workshop for powder coating companies, in which employers are inspired to develop and collect practical ideas for their management.

In the last fifteen years, Uittenbroek has attended numerous powder coating related seminars organised by suppliers and trade organisations, powder coating webinars, and several pre-conference tutorials. In september 2014, he graduated for the NACE Level 1 Coating Inspection Scheme of the Houston based National Association of Corrosion Engineers.

Activities until may 2001

From december 1997 to may 2001 employed at the Vereniging voor Oppervlaktetechnieken van Materialen VOM, the dutch Association for Surface Techniques on Materials.Positions:Januari 1998-januari 2000: secretary of the Stichting VOM Certificaat, the certification organisation for ISO-9002 and safety qualifications.1998-2001: Coordinator of the Branchecentre for Surfacetechnolgy, BC-VOM, a knowledge transfer unit within the association.November 1999-may 2001: Chief editor of Oppervlaktetechnieken & Corrosiebestrijding, currently called Oppervlaktetechnieken.Some technical courses were attended, like the overview course Surface Techniques and the course Powder Coating B.

Activities until december 1997

Besides studying Environmental Sciences: working part time at a powder coating plant, owned by Uittenbroek sr. From 1991 only hours or days, from 1995 onward sometimes weeks or months. Work consisted of gritblasting, various types of chemical pretreatment (in 1994 the chemical pretreatment was modernized considerably), various projects concerning the Energy Covenant, environmental care, quality assurance, various technical fairs.A few technical/environmental courses were attended.


Uittenbroek likes to travel through Europe and visit cities and technical museums/historical museums/aircraft museums/bunkers. He combines this hobby with business trips to coating conferences and trade fairs all over Europe. Ambitions for the future are launching the Powder Coating Optimisation Workshops and – since being member of technical association VOM België (spring 2014)- further enhancing mastering the beautiful french language.

In private life Uittenbroek has been youth leader for 4,5 years and deacon for three years in a church in Gouda. For three years year a restoration project has been undertaken in the Hungarian speeking part of the Ukraine (Beregszász), a two week trip in summer. From 2006 up to 2009, Uittenbroek has been an active member of the Studentenkerk Utrecht.Currently he attends church in his hometown Gouda and is community organiser and president of Gouda Noord zoals het Hoort, defending democracy and decent policy making.